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Reunion pictures
Don Titus  |  Friday, October 27, 2023 11:40:38

Just to let everyone know, the 2nd photographer at this month's reunion has made his photos available to us and all 334 have been uploaded to the Class website (https://www.baclassof73.com) 

Best memories, Mr. Malone's Architecture class, how could I not love that class? I was one of 3 girls in all guy class. The drive in movies or any chance to get in a car and drive anywhere. Getting to school early to sit in the parking lot or go to the cafeteria and play cards. Guys with the old cars, Rick Lowe had a pink 57 Chevy, loved that car. Prom in 72 and Mad dog 20 20. Football Pep rallies and that 71 drum line rocked it. I still have the band album from 71. My best friends Barbara & Debbie and leaving school to go to Taco Bell in Barbara's "Volkswagen Thing" for lunch.
Cindy Ball, April, 2012

Our Class

Over 800 strong

BA Belles:
The pride of Dallas.

BA Band:
The most televised band in the land.

About Site

Presented specifically for graduates of Bryan Adams High School, Dallas, TX of 1973

We also welcome graduates of area high school in and around 1973, former classmates at Hill and Gaston Junior High Schools

Keep In Touch

We Are:BA Class of 73
Address:10122 Lake Gardens Dr.,
Dallas, TX 75218
Email: info@baclassof73.com