Song List (106 songs uploaded)
    Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young
  • Ohio
Songs Requested
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Aretha franklin
Hues corporation
Chuck berry
Hues corporation
Am I the only kid that went to Kiest, Truitt and Gill Elementary schools? I hope not. At least at Gill, all I had was Mrs. Latham to deal with - everywhere else my mom was a teacher in the building and I couldn't get away with a thing. She knew I was in trouble before I did! If you're someone who went to all 3 as well, please let me know and if you had my mother as a teacher - I'd love to hear the stories (good and bad). At the reunion guys ... if you say "Karen" and I don't seem to know you're talking to me it will be because I legally changed my first name in the late 70s to "Heather." Just tap me on the shoulder and remind me - I wouldn't want to offend I just simply haven't answered to that name in a long, long, long time.
Karen Ekiss-Minton, July, 2013

Our Class

Over 800 strong

BA Belles:
The pride of Dallas.

BA Band:
The most televised band in the land.

About Site

Presented specifically for graduates of Bryan Adams High School, Dallas, TX of 1973

We also welcome graduates of area high school in and around 1973, former classmates at Hill and Gaston Junior High Schools

Keep In Touch

We Are:BA Class of 73
Address:10122 Lake Gardens Dr.,
Dallas, TX 75218