Song List (106 songs uploaded)
    Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young
  • Ohio
Songs Requested
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Aretha franklin
Hues corporation
Chuck berry
Hues corporation
Hello Classmates! Suzanne Osborne and I bought a six pack of beer, fritos and bean dip. We sat in front of BA the week after we graduated and sang the alma mater as we finished all three delicious items!! Remember Suzanne? I picked her up every morning for Belle practice. I would lay on the horn because she was always late coming out of the house. Harold, her dad said that as soon as we graduated he was going to shoot me!! I loved Judy Roses's house on Sundays! Her mom made chicken and dumplings over mashed potatoes!! If I ever wanted to go somewhere I knew my dad would not approve of, I just said I was going to Mary Jayne Turbeville's house! My dad said she was my only nice friend that was not into mischief!! He was right! OK this is so bad but girls do you remember our bus trip to Galveston in Gaston and what we called the bus driver??? Rosemary Lalamia, your mom was brave to go with us!! I still try and do the high kick from Belles!! I cant do it but I try! Loved the Dairy -Ette! They have t-shirts now! Dan Drake and Ron Ham would ride their banana bikes up there and meet us for lunch! Loved the donut shop in Casa Linda!! I ate six after practice all the time!!
Vicki Plunk, August, 2013

Our Class

Over 800 strong

BA Belles:
The pride of Dallas.

BA Band:
The most televised band in the land.

About Site

Presented specifically for graduates of Bryan Adams High School, Dallas, TX of 1973

We also welcome graduates of area high school in and around 1973, former classmates at Hill and Gaston Junior High Schools

Keep In Touch

We Are:BA Class of 73
Address:10122 Lake Gardens Dr.,
Dallas, TX 75218