Song List (106 songs uploaded)
    Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young
  • Ohio
Songs Requested
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Aretha franklin
Hues corporation
Chuck berry
Hues corporation
Jann Pietsch, Linda Boyles and I went to Ft. Worth to the VOE convention. We bought some beer on the way and iced it down in the bathtub of our hotel room. Mrs. Hazelwood knocked on our door and Linda hurried into the bathroom and stayed in there the entire time Mrs. Hazelwood was there. We didn't get caught. Crazy times! Jann and I had typing in Ms. Withrow's class and we would have a pile of paper by our desks all wadded up because of our mistakes. We would say profanities when we messed up and we always laughed when Ms. Withrow would say "Let's listen to the announcements" in a monotone voice.
Donna Boyd , September, 2018

Our Class

Over 800 strong

BA Belles:
The pride of Dallas.

BA Band:
The most televised band in the land.

About Site

Presented specifically for graduates of Bryan Adams High School, Dallas, TX of 1973

We also welcome graduates of area high school in and around 1973, former classmates at Hill and Gaston Junior High Schools

Keep In Touch

We Are:BA Class of 73
Address:10122 Lake Gardens Dr.,
Dallas, TX 75218