Remember halftime at the football games?

The walk into the next step in our lives

Here it is, as we know and remember it

Aerial view of BA shortly after it was first built

Join your classmates at Winfrey Point on September 22, 2018 as we celebrate our 45th reunion.

And The Belle's entrance was always something special to behold

The most televised band in the land
Remember halftime at the football games?
The walk into the next step in our lives
Here it is, as we know and remember it
Aerial view of BA shortly after it was first built
Join your classmates at Winfrey Point on September 22, 2018 as we celebrate our 45th reunion.
And The Belle's entrance was always something special to behold
The most televised band in the land
  • #caption-one
    Bryan Adams High School Marching Band

    Remember halftime at the football games?

  • #caption-two
    Graduation Day - May 26, 1973

    The walk into the next step in our lives

  • #caption-three
    Bryan Adams High School - Our School

    Here it is, as we know and remember it

  • #caption-four
    Bryan Adams High School

    Aerial view of BA shortly after it was first built

  • #caption-FIVE
    BA Class of 73 45th Reunion

    Join your classmates at Winfrey Point on September 22, 2018 as we celebrate our 45th reunion.

  • #caption-six
    Pep Rallies were fun times

    And The Belle's entrance was always something special to behold

  • #caption-seven
    BA Marching Band was our pride

    The most televised band in the land


Bryan Adams High School Class of 1973

Yes, the 50th class reunion is history, and we had a great time catching up with everyone. 

The professional photographs are available to see on the BA Class of 73 website. 

  1. Login to the site:
  2. Scroll down the Navigation tab and click on 50th Reunion Photos. You will see photos that our 2 photographers took. Any of those can be downloaded. Also on that page are links to the photos from both the 40th and the 45th reunions as well.
  3. In addition, if anyone has pictures you took and would like to share with the rest of the class, the website has the ability for everyone to upload any pictures they have.  After you upload them, you can set captions for any or all of your personal pictures too.
  4. The video Neil Jones made for the reunion is also on the site and can be downloaded. Just click on the link on the left side that says "50th Reunion Vikdeo".  That video is a very large file (2.6GB) and depending on your internet speed, could take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to download completely so, please be patient.  Also available to view or download is the 40th Reunion Video as well.

Please keep in touch with us as the website will remain up as long as we can keep it running and you can reach out to any classmate who has registered with the website at any point.  We do love hearing from everyone so let's rest, relax, enjoy the pictures and the memories of the 50th Reunion. 

Thanks for making the 50th a fun night!

The Reunion Committee

In preparation for my senior year, I selected all shops. Yes ... wood, electric, plastic, metal and power mech. Also, opted for two study halls on both sides of lunch, which I never showed up to be registered. Thus, resulting in a 2.5 hr. lunch break. When Princ Richardson found out about my schedule in April '73, I got called into his office for a meeting. He basically said this kind of schedule is not allowed ... (pause) ... then he went on to say he never ever wants to hear of me doing something like that again (now smiling). I promised that would never happen again (we both smiled).
Ben Tyner, September, 2013

Our Class

Over 800 strong

BA Belles:
The pride of Dallas.

BA Band:
The most televised band in the land.

About Site

Presented specifically for graduates of Bryan Adams High School, Dallas, TX of 1973

We also welcome graduates of area high school in and around 1973, former classmates at Hill and Gaston Junior High Schools

Keep In Touch

We Are:BA Class of 73
Address:10122 Lake Gardens Dr.,
Dallas, TX 75218